2020 Grad Scheme - Wk 1
Hello from the other side!
Bias is a fog that clouds over what’s really in front of us when we need to make important decisions; I aim to write this graduate blog through an unbiased view…
The final year of university seems to have it all, doesn’t it? Exams, assignments, a thesis, job applications, telephone/virtual interviews and assessment centres, with social and/or extracurricular activities—all during COVID-19 sprinkled on top! Trying to juggle all of this and more means that as a final year student, you are under increasing amounts of pressure, with the most pressure on getting that all-desired graduate job. However, having been through a small package of experiences, grit and perseverance shall be rewarded, which I have found particularly true at LogiKal.
Five weeks of immersive training and then straight onto a project, that was the mindset I was in starting at LogiKal. I felt I was ready to rise to the challenge, so let the journey begin…
Day 1 was arguably the most exciting. I naturally felt a bit nervous on my first day and ironically, I was late on the first day due to Central line delays, but LogiKal was understanding which put me at ease. Upon arrival at the office, I was greeted by a room full of brilliant white smiles (the recruiter and fellow graduates) which was very welcoming and warming. This was proceeded by receiving LogiKal merchandise (yay) and setting up the work laptop as well as admin bits and bobs. LogiKal then treated all the graduates to a group lunch which acted as an effective ice breaker. The day ended with meeting more of the LogiKal team over a few casual drinks at WeWork, and it became apparent that LogiKal maintains its friendly, inclusive company culture.
The training officially began on Day 2 with Principles of Planning and Scheduling. The aim of this course was to demonstrate why projects should be planned, how to create a project schedule and how plans are used to control a project. It was incredibly enjoyable as the day was filled with interactive presentations, teamwork and collaboration, and engaging discussions.
“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships”.
Day 3 was filled with Microsoft Excel training to develop proficiency. The practical approach of training proved to be an effective teaching method, but there were instances where Excel and I didn’t get along – we didn’t have the same values (excuse the pun). The IF function, VLOOKUP function, and Pivot Tables were the key takeaways of the day.
“Knock Knock! Who’s there? Excel. Excel who? Excel-lent Excel”.
In order to absorb and learn what had been taught earlier on in the week, we were provided with a self-study day on Day 4. The self-study day was more relaxed, and it allowed all the graduates to help each other by supplementing and extending taught sessions. Not only did this allow us to bond as a group, but it also expanded our knowledge bank. The day concluded with a game of foosball, a few casual drinks, and a game of table tennis at WeWork.
Day 5 was a shadowing day which I highly anticipated. Traditionally, it would be an opportunity for a graduate to visit the site of a project. However, LogiKal adapted to the current climate due to COVID-19 and arranged a virtual site visit which was very impressive. My shadow session was on The Thames Tideway Tunnel project which will clean up one of London’s greatest natural assets, the iconic River Thames, protect it for generations to come and improve the quality of life for all Londoners! A shadowing day was also an opportunity to meet more of the LogiKal team, all of which were friendly and welcoming as expected.
At the end of Week 1 having made 4 new friends – or should I say colleagues – and really enjoyed the first week with insight into LogiKal, the training continues into next week. I was not as nervous as I thought I would be; I was filled with excitement and I felt really privileged to be a part of the LogiKal team. I’ve had a glimpse of the opportunities on offer but for now, it’s one step at a time.
If you’re reading this, and still contemplating what to do, then my first bit of advice is this: Don’t panic! Ultimately, follow your interests and develop your skills – whilst you may think your current experience may not link with consulting, LogiKal places great emphasis on the skills you have no matter your background.
Good luck with the recruitment process, and see you on the other side!